Friday, July 30, 2010
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FEI press release, and I receive public
Fifty Esperanto speakers of Italian will participate in the 95 th World Congress of Esperanto, http://www.uea.org/kongresoj/uk_2010.html to be held in Havana July 17 to 24, 2010. The theme of the congress
The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the year 2010 International Year of rapprochement of cultures. http://www.unesco.it/cni/index.php/cultura/2010-anno-internazionale-riavvicinamento-alle-culture
This theme, which profoundly affects the Esperanto, was adopted as the official theme of the Congress. The Esperanto, international language, politically neutral, is actually a struemnto very effective in realizing the rapprochement of cultures. And the participants in this conference, originating more than fifty countries will discuss this issue and many others without the need for interpreters and a real atmosphere of equality language and culture.
The presence in the world
Esperanto Esperanto is a planned international language to facilitate communication between ethnic groups. Has been around for 123 years and continues to spread, www.esperanto.it. Its learning qeullo is significantly faster than other languages \u200b\u200band its structure, consisting of lexical root to which you add prefixes and suffixes adds a playful aspect to the study. This language is a reality that is part of daily life of a large number of people on our planet, is also a politically neutral means of communication and culture. It allows you to stay connected to their local identity and watching to open to the diversity of world cultures.
You can measure the success of Esperanto by the following figures: tens of millions of pages published on the web in Esperanto 131,444 articles on Wikipedia, http://eo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vikipedio:Ĉefpaĝo (often of high quality. It is not uncommon that often surpass in quality on some issues, those in Italian.) And a number of books published that surpass the 30,000 works of literature to date in Esperanto.
The World Association of Esperanto, < http://www.uea.org/ >, organizes this annual conference in a different country. Typically, this type of conference brings together thousands of people come from around fifty countries who are interested in international contacts and international cultural exchange. This year the young speakers of Esperanto than forty nations will gather in Cuba, too, under the 66 th International Youth Congress, http://www.tejo.org/ijk/2010/Main/Bonvenon .
But alongside these world congresses, numerous events are organized throughout the year in all continents, national congresses, but also music, theater, literary, scientific meetings or sporting events, cultural exchanges and various human, all based on a equality at the level of communication through the use of Esperanto. The Esperanto
in Italy
And 'present from the beginning of last century. The hundred years of Italian Esperanto Federation, www.esperanto.it, were celebrated in March in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence under the auspices of the National Commission Italian for UNESCO. Legislative proposals for the teaching of Esperanto in schools have been presented at several points to the Italian Parliament. The last hosted the World Congress of Esperanto was held in Italy in Florence in 2006 under the patronage of Giorgio Napolitano, President of the Republic.
Italian television regularly send programs and activities of Esperanto Esperanto in Italy, and online learning courses are very popular, http://www.esperanto.it/corsi.htm . The next Italian Congress of Esperanto will be held in Lignano Sabbiadoro (Udine) by August 21. http://italakongreso.esperantoitalia.it/ .