Professor. Aldo
Grassin i was there in Havana as Congressman. These are his impressions:
year Havana was the capital of the world Esperanto. When meeting for those who speak the international language are many around the planet, but the World Congress is the key moment, the event more meaningful and more important. From 1905 (Boulogne-Sur-Mer, France) takes place every year in a different country and in 2010 took place on the island of Cuba 'was a good conference with the usual nutritissima program that every day dozens of cultural , recreational, tourism and business (organizational meetings of the World Association of Esperanto and many other groups and associations). The theme of the Congress covered a year of alignment of culture as proclaimed by the United Nations (the final resolution can be read separately). As mentioned above, were added to that a host of other initiatives: Ten cnferenze taught by distinguished professors from universities around the world, excursions, concerts, theatrical performances. The most applauded among them was the representation of the "Lesson" by Ionesco, proposed by an Italian actor, dr. Giuliano Turone, Esperanto is a former public prosecutor of Milan, once known for a number of important investigations, including the case Sindona and P2. I also want to point out a conference on the languages \u200b\u200bof Mayan origin of Guatemala, performed by an experienced native speaker.
was attended by 1002 delegates from 59 countries, about half compared to Byalistok (Poland) in 2009, but did not think of a modest result: Do not forget that the Esperanto travel at their own expense and that Cuba is far dalll'Europa and Japan, offering the largest number of participants, in addition the United States of America have not granted visas to its citizens because of the embargo against Cuba, although some U.S. is still coming in, say, on the sly. On the other hand there were several representatives of Latin American countries that do not usually see at conferences, as well, as always, a fair number of Brazilians. We Italians were fifty, including seven Marches: a fair number. We have also been received by the Italian ambassador in Cuba
Obviously the only language of communication in this congress was the espepranto.
bye next year in Copenhagen and in 2012 to Hanoj.
Aldo Grassini
The 95th World Congress of Esperanto,
meeting in Havana (Cuba) with 1002 participants from 59 countries,
that the United Nations has declared the year 2010 International Year of the approach
Cultures, notes:
- that the diversity 'of cultures in the world
essentially contribute to the richness of humanity';
- who already 'over 123 years Esperanto as
neutral language has helped build bridges between peoples and cultures, and
- that the World Congress of Esperanto,
bringing more people of the countries 'different world,
give themselves a testimony to this capacity' to build bridges.
declares the desire of speakers of Esperanto
act together at the United Nations and UNESCO
to stimulate the desire for understanding between peoples and
while protecting the identity 'of all groups
and invites the United Nations and UNESCO to use the full
collaboration with the World Association of Esperanto in order to
realzzare more 'effectively their own purposes.
Havana, July 24, 2010