If you choose to reside in housing at Villanova Monteleone you can easily visit the whole area, from the beaches inland. Stands the charming medieval town center of Villanova Monteleone, who has retained the typical houses with rocks of limestone and trachyte to view. They are also very beautiful churches, in particular on all San Leonardo from Limoges that you can sit along the main street dating back to 1500 (partially amended in 1789). Florida is the production of handmade rugs and baskets, as well as important breeding Anglo-Arab horses.
On the coast, not far from the village, there is the Marina di Villanova. Here lies the long haul Poglina 400 meters. It is a beautiful beach, clear as flour (Poglina comes from the Sardinian poddine " which means the flour). The turquoise sea is often moved by the wind and is appreciated by those who practice surfing and windsurfing.
is interesting to see around the village of Monteleone Roccadoria , perched on a verdant hill. The country in the Middle Ages belonged to the Doria family of Genoa, and then pass under the control of the Aragonese in 1436, which prompted many residents to flee and found the new town of Villanova Monteleone. Doria are the remains of a fortress of the thirteenth century, with walls, towers, a chapel and a few tanks.
Another attraction, which is encountered along the way Parent-Roccadoria Monteleone is the Necropolis containing Puttu Codinu , consisting of nine domus de Janas (burial complex carved into the limestone).
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