Who says Sardinia exists only in the sea, can only be happy to discover that the interior of this magical island is much more rich and fascinating. A visit to Oliena is therefore a must, if only to admire its stunning location at the foot of the imposing limestone Supramonte. We are in a pristine mountainous region and the province of Nuoro, called precisely Supramonte, not far from the coast magnificent Gulf of Orosei.
Orange Flag of the Italian Touring Club . Oliena has this important recognition through a winning combination of quality, nature and culture, which maintains and enhances over time: a wealth of historical and cultural resources and important environmental, tourist information system for the very friendly and competent, many and varied accommodation, wide publicity of local products through the shops and a good promotion of events and the events are the ingredients of success. The historic center of
Oliena is one of the most beautiful and best preserved of the island, full of curious and interesting sights. On the narrow winding lanes overlooking typical houses with walls of white limestone characterized by small, short external stairways, arches and pergolas. Eleven are the churches that are counted in the center of Oliena all well preserved. The two most interesting are the former Jesuit church of St. Ignatius and the ancient parish church of Santa Maria.
Oliena known wines (known Cannonau), also highly regarded by D'Annunzio. Around the country the vineyards occupy all available space. With its wealth of springs, the area lends itself very well to agriculture, ranging from the cultivation of olive groves, the orchards and vineyards, alternating with large areas for grazing, mostly sheep and cattle.
Oliena's reputation is also tied to crafts artistic and especially the precious filigree jewelry and finely embroidered silk shawls.
Nature lovers and Sardinia have the opportunity to venture into organized tours around Oliena. Starting from the haven of Monte Maccione you can follow different paths that lead to the discovery of the spectacular massif Supramonte. A flora of the most attractive and valuable parts of the Mediterranean, where stand the thick forests of oaks and junipers inland areas, never subjected to cuts. Degrading up the east coast, the mountain offers really beautiful and unspoiled landscapes, dotted with archaeological sites, such as Domus de Janas, menhirs and nuraghi, which give a touch of uniqueness.
Lanaittu The Valley offers many caves, like those of Sa Oche and Su Bentu, and in particular the cave Corbeddu of paleontological and archaeological importance. Fantastic limestone massif of Tiscali, which is accessed via a steep path. The visitor opens before a wild world, almost intact, covered by thick forests and juniper trees, where wild boar and mouflon and reign supreme flying griffins and hawks. The main attraction are two ancient villages held under the canopy of a huge cave partially collapsed, characterized by small circular and square buildings made of stone.
Oliena short distance from the source is then karst Gologone, whose waters, flowing, have carved the mountains creating a deep cave, explored and studied constantly by groups of Cave Diving. Around the cold source, where you can enjoy fresh air even in summer, is a nice green area where make pleasant picnic.
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