the FEI press release
Italian Esperanto Federation calls on the authorities to take greater care about the fate of the teaching of Italian language abroad.
The comparison with other European Union countries is inevitable: the British Council has a funding audience of 220 million euro, the Goethe Institut and English Cervantes have access to 218 and 90 million respectively. The funds available to the Portuguese Camoes (13 million) and the 'Alliance Française (10.6 million) but significantly lower than those for our "Società Dante Alighieri" . As already reported by
Republic, from 2011, the organization that promotes Italian culture in the world will be required to function with all its 600 000 €.
There are also more alarming: few weeks ago, Andreas Wieland, director of Graubünden Ferien "said that in the primary schools of the German-speaking canton of Graubünden teaching Italian and Romansh be abandoned in favor of English.
The two languages \u200b\u200bas nothing more than mere folklore and therefore irrelevant in the economic and professional.
The economic viability is not positive, but we must find the resources - economic, political and moral - to protect the Italian language.
The issue of the European patent is just one of many examples: the election as a procedural language only English or French and the German equivalent of damage not only businesses but the entire country system.
The case, in particular, highlights the need for a lingua franca within the European Union, which does not disadvantage any state and no citizen.
A problem that must be avoided and that has a unique solution: the ' Esperanto.
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