Tomorrow and Dec. 15, 2010 Lejzer Ludwik Zamenhof, creator of Esperanto, will be commemorated with demonstrations around the world in the 151 anniversary of its birth. The Polish scholar, recognized in 1959 by UNESCO as "one of the great personalities of Humanity", was born in Bialystok, Polish city then belonged to Russia, where he developed interest in languages \u200b\u200band the search for a tool intercomprehension among peoples such as to overcome the barriers between ethnic groups. The Esperanto was presented for the first time in 1887, sprang from these premises and is the first step towards Homaranismo, a project of universal brotherhood established in 1906 by Zamenhof.
The Polish scholar, the approach of the First World War, launched a last ditch "appeal to diplomats," published in English and Esperanto, by invoking respect for the rights of all citizens of individual states, regardless of their ethnicity, because " Each country must belong morally and materially to all its inhabitants natural and naturalized, whatever their language, religion or supposed origin. "
Zamenhof died April 14, 1917, before the collapse of his dream of brotherhood among peoples. His ideals, now live in Esperanto, spoken in the world by a community of several million people. The language is in fact survived the Nazi persecution and the Stalinist purges and has developed over 120 years of history in their own culture and literature, they noted the scientific and political communities, and that is the basis of two resolutions (UNESCO Montevideo 1954, Sofia 1985).
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