Press Release FEI
The radio program " Languages \u200b\u200band Culture , created news agency Disvastigo (disvastigo.esperanto.it) and radio frequency radio from the University of Teramo, will be broadcast from Saturday, February 12, 2011 in Argentina. The program, in cooperation with "Italy Now" will be broadcast in Argentina by 12 hours (16 in Italy) on the frequencies of Radio Nacional in Argentina Viedma, the capital town of Patagonia and related always ll'immigrazione Italian. You can also follow live live Languages \u200b\u200band Culture "in " Italy Now " at: http://www.google.com/url?sa=D&q=http:// radionacional.com.ar/vivo/lra-2-radio-nacional-viedma.html
Languages \u200b\u200band Culture "was born to tell, through telephone interviews, many minority language situation, with the problems of these communities, from prejudice to the difficulties to pass on these cultures to young people. Themes always current with which even the Italian communities abroad have had to compare. "Now Italy", born in February 2009 from an idea by Magali Pizarro, is an important point of reference in regard to the dissemination of Italian culture and information, from the life of the community and from abroad opportunities - competitions and calls - for the younger generation to current Italian.
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