From the FEI President Renato Corsetti and receive public
THURSDAY 'Nov. 18 at 21 ANCONA, experimental theater "Arena L.", VIA REDIPUGLIA 57
The bronze sculpture" The Vojagxisto " of the model will be assigned Floriano Ippoliti
Award this year for "Zamenhof" to:
- Niccolo 'FABI , the singer engaged in charity concerts
to support initiatives in the field education and health in Africa (Sudan, Angola
- prof. ROCCO ALTIERI, Professor of Theory and Practice of Non Violence
at the University of Pisa, engaged in the pedagogy of peace and nonviolence
as an intellectual and a citizen;
- - SISTER MARY PIA from Recanati, superior to north central Italy
Missionaries of Charity founded by Mother Teresa of Calcutta and
operating in the world to alleviate the suffering of those who live
disease and poverty in contexts of marginalization and poverty. The
Award Stoppoloni " will be awarded to the Association
INSENSINVERSO that operates in the Roman district of Magliana
for the integration of different ethnic groups through the teaching of Italian.
will conclude the evening of the concert pianist Marco Vergini
with music by Schumann, Chopin, Liszt and Debussy.
With the support of the Marche Region, the Province of Ancona, Ancona and
City Museum State Tactile "Homer"
Sponsored by: Elle and Mariotti Building Construction
For hotel reservations, please contact Daniela
Bottegon ,
Award "Zamenhof" was born in 2002 with the dual purpose of
report to the public through the media, some examples of life, that daily
alternative models are proposed to us by a society founded on individualism
, and secondly to offer a more intimate knowledge of the Esperanto movement
through its
founding values: peace, solidarity among peoples, respect for all languages \u200b\u200band all cultures
In these eight years the event has made us
known to a public increasingly numerous, winning the respect and consideration of
authorities, media, associations engaged in the promotion of values \u200b\u200b
idedntici or contiguous and many intellectuals
relief. We have worked with major artists such as Valerian
Trubbiani, Loren Sguanci and Floriano Ippoliti, we came in contact with
very famous characters of the show (Luca Zingaretti, Lella Costa,
Claudio Abbado, Moni Ovadia, just to name a few) and operators
Social and Cultural less well known but the potential to affect profoundly
certain social realities.
This event is so important and complex, yet
has always managed to finance itself.
Award "Stoppoloni", inspired by the figure of a great and Esperanto
promoted by family members, as well as by the Group Pistoiese Esperanto, was born
together with the Prize "Zamenhof" and accompanied him throughout his journey
. It aims to raise awareness and help some of the initiatives of social solidarity
that only the courage and dedication of a few can
Pull out from the realm of the impossible.