"Against the crisis more great "
Open letter to participants in the Peace March from Perugia to Assisi in the May 16, 2010
of Flavio Lotti, national coordinator of the peace table
Perugia, May 26, 2010
Meet on 2 and 3 July 2010 in Senigallia, on the feast of Caterpillar. We design the way we want to do together. From 16 May 2010 to September 25, 2011 .
Dear friends and dear friends,
after fighting an unequal battle against Jupiter pluvio, you almost want to thank him. See so many people walking calmly from Perugia to Assisi, despite the bad weather has affected everyone. In a time full of bitterness, sadness and loss, it was like rediscovering a lost treasure. The rain has returned the brilliance of the original colors, like a Giotto painting after a painstaking restoration. A treasure. Many people, beautiful, determined and above all true. People who have a different idea of \u200b\u200bpeace and the things we must do everything to build. People strong in their convictions. People who believe in it. And since We really believe we work, committed and spend.
This is the Perugia-Assisi. A surprising start. The march, which once again surprised everyone. Those who have come and feared the consequences of bad weather, those who have snubbed the outset, those who had sworn that we would be few, those who cheered against us, the ones that still go to say around that we were not one hundred thousand, those who did not even deign to come and see, those who saw it and chose to hide it from everyone else.
E 'was great to reunite. And yet in many rediscover. E ' was how full of energy. We will need to continue the journey. With even more courage and determination.
I hope the families of victims and witnesses of so many injustices and violations of human rights, the employees of companies in crisis who have lived with us those moments we gathered all the more authentic solidarity they deserve.
The first "thank you" goes to 5362, before the march, under a pouring rain, attended the Forum of Peace and National Meeting of the schools, "Citizenship and the Constitution" . Boys, girls, teachers, youth, children, local government officials, journalists, leaders of groups and associations committed to three days to listen, share, learn, reflect and plan a country and a better world. Their focus and their commitment, their enthusiasm and their patience showed everyone the way we go.
A big "Thank You" to all those who in one way or another, helped us to design and carry out with passion. Thanks to those who did it in first person their energy. Thanks to the 660 groups that joined to all those who were there with their own projects and their operators and all those who have provided with great generosity and commitment. It 'been a great collective enterprise that will bear fruit.
Thanks to everyone who came to march, to those who organized the bus, meetings with international guests and press conferences, thanks to those involved immigrants, who facilitated the participation of schools and young people. The entries were really a lot: 1165 from 645 cities of all Italian provinces.
With 337 municipalities, provinces and regions that once again have joined and supported the organization of the march from the Province of Perugia, from Umbria Region and the Municipalities of Perugia and Assisi. Thanks also to Prefecture, the police, civil defense and all institutions that have contributed to the smooth running of the event.
Special thanks we owe it to journalists and newspapers have reported that the Forum and Marcia. Thank RaiNews24 (who followed us more than any other before being further affected by the leadership Rai), the national and TG3 TG3 Umbria that have spent many long and made direct services. Thanks to Caterpillar that has driven us "to T'illumino +". Article thanks to Radio 1 and Radio Popolare for their direct and many radios that have accompanied us every day. And again, thanks to the 30 reporters of peace and the whole "great preparation for peace" that has made the direct streeming and many other communication and information. The results of this extraordinary work of communication make it even more unacceptable the shameful way in which the TG1 and major national newspapers have dismissed the Forum of Peace and one hundred thousand of the Peace March from Perugia to Assisi. It 's time to take seriously "the emergency information and to respond forcefully.
The proposal
Forum Peace march Perugia-Assisi and allowed us to renew our commitment to peace, justice and human rights in a time of serious crisis, which is a crisis of values, perspectives, confidence, social crisis, economic, political ethical, environmental and cultural.
But now we have a great need to continue to walk together. We need to overcome fragmentation and too many divisions that prevent the best part of this country have an impact as it should. We need to unite those who feel committed to building an Italy and a better world.
While out of the crisis "we Need another culture, "then we must transform the running of a day in the march of every day together and do a great investment in education. This is now more than ever a priority.
In this spirit, we invite all those who helped make the May 16 march together to design a new year of commitment to peace. We first the construction of a large educational project centered on major constitutional values \u200b\u200band the role played by the young. A project which sees the active participation of all schools, local authorities, groups, associations and media. A project that starts from each of cities in which we operate, grow during the next year and then see us together again Sunday, September 25, 2011, the 50th anniversary of the Perugia-Assisi, to build a new great march for peace.
design the way we want to do together.
Specifically, we invite all those who joined the march to May 16:
1) become part of the National Committee for the 50th anniversary of the Peace March from Perugia to Assisi. In this way we can give a concrete sign of willingness to work together enhancing the contribution, the path, creativity and commitment of everyone. The 50anni the Perugia-Assisi (150anni part of the unification of Italy) are a great opportunity to continue our path of peace combining history and future, and project
2) participate in the National Seminar Table of Peace to be held on 2 and 3 July 2010 in Senigallia, on the feast of Caterpillar. We have many things to discuss and decide together. The meeting will help us to plan before the summer, what we do together in school, the school and the school, in our cities, with the young and the young, with our local and our associations. (fix the date in your diary! In the coming days we will send you all the information needed to participate)
The future lies with those
who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Eleanor Roosevelt
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