A proposal of Esperanto for a peaceful solution to language problems and cultural International
No peace without a true culture of peace. There is no peace without respect for all cultures, all the differences, for all cultural identities. Peace means dialogue, democratic debate, that is truly equal. What is the instrument of a true community of peace? What role does communication in a language of peace? That's an issue on which the Movement for Peace has not yet been able to develop a deeper reflection.
The language expresses the identity of a people. A people without a language is a people without a soul. The language carries within it a summary of the culture, the history of civilization. The language is a vehicle of values \u200b\u200band, for some scholars, is a way of thinking, is never a neutral tool. But, more specifically, language is power: who is master of the language has more opportunities to put forward their point of view, to exert a role in organizing and coordinating short, hegemony wins, the first operational and then psychological and let's say, politics. The linguistic hegemony inevitably involves real economic and business advantages.
This is confirmed by the lessons of history. At any time, the communication between different peoples has always been stronger in the language of this condition and has always represented a further element supremacy to the strongest. Consider, in particular, the history of colonialism all the conquered peoples have ended up assimilating the language of the colonizers, losing his or undergoing a heavy influence on its evolution. But almost never the language of the colonizers was imposed by force, colonized peoples have sought to appropriate the language of the colonizers as a means of social advancement and economic rise. E 'apparent loss of identity of these peoples.
in the world today we see a clear dominance of English as a result of the hegemony politics, economy and military of the United States of America. The planet, now reduced by technology to a "global village" English is now an invaluable tool in international trade. But the tools of communication active today, being able to affect with great speed on the activities and thinking of the masses, they produce changes as fast as they have never seen in history. The almost exclusive use of English is producing those effects in a few decades in the past have required centuries. The English language, as well as a communication tool in various fields of economy, science and morality, is also the vehicle of a model of society that regards the customs, tastes, values, in a word culture.
We are witnessing a process of cultural homogenization which destroys the diversity and not the result of a synthesis, but the overlay of one culture over others. Another obvious consequence is the 'anglicized "of all languages \u200b\u200b(look at what is happening also Italian!) And the disappearance of the weakest, as emphasized by all sociolinguists. One fact is that a national language can not be neutral and can not solve the problem of the increasing need for a truly democratic tool for international communication because it always ends with the strong delete or resize diversity.
For the Esperanto movement only a neutral language (as is the Esperanto) could provide a tool Communication is not invasive, as it carries a dominant culture. The ease of learning (which has no comparison in any other language) and neutrality make the language more completely democratic, respectful of all cultures and the guarantee of equal opportunities for all people. These are objective conditions for a true culture of peace.
Many believe, for lack of information, that Esperanto is a project of the past and that claims to replace all other languages.
Esperanto is rather a reality that currently keeps track of millions of practitioners in nearly every country in the world and that is proving an extremely adaptable to the Internet. In addition, the Esperanto movement wants to defend and preserve the diversity of languages \u200b\u200band with them the cultural diversity of peoples.
Who notes that the spread of English has already conquered much of the world, we can answer that today English is the language of the ruling classes and that the vast majority of the inhabitants of the planet do not know. A future (not far away now) that she needed to involve the whole human race in a communication really for everyone, should be meditating on the difficulty for most people to achieve a good command of foreign languages \u200b\u200band all ' enormous advantage that Esperanto would propose in the results and the costs of any major literacy campaign world, since its simple structure makes it incomparably more rational and easier than any other language.
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