Sunday, February 27, 2011

What Would A Gift Card Number Be For Hot Topic

on Radio 1

Press FEI

Monday, February 28, 2011, at 23:15 on Radio 1 transmits Depending on the item under "10 minutes of radio ..." dedicated to Esperanto. In speaking of study "Esperanto as a strategic resource" journalist Massimiliano Bar with Laura and Brazzabeni Ranieri Clerici, respectively Secretary General and the National Council of the Federation of Italian Esperanto.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Breaking Dansko Clogs

Residence Stintino Sardinia 2011 - save the ferry

For your holiday in Sardinia in 2011 Alghero Stintino Residence sure you book soon to take advantage of offers that 2011 for advance booking.

Stintino is one of the most famous places in Sardinia, in the province of Sassari and a few kilometers from Alghero.

Stintino is situated at the extreme north-west coast of Sardinia on one of the most fascinating of the entire region Sardinia. White sand beaches, emerald waters and one of the most beautiful seas in the Mediterranean.

Among the beaches a short walk from the well-known beach in Stintino Residence ''''The Hairy with its wild and unspoiled nature.

You can get a great discount for the ferry for those who book a stay on the total amount is calculated a discount that will save on the cost of the ferry up to 500 €. Here are the best

Residence in Stintino:
Residence Stintino Country Paradise while in Cala Lupo Residence Al Saraceno
and Punta Tower on the Residence Sea Villas.

Sardinias site allows you to book hotels as well as villages in Stintino Stintino Stintino Residence. In addition, we remind Stintino Country Paradise.

Check photos of Stintino, the beaches of Stintino, Stintino available apartments in the best sites on-line booking.

For details about the ferry to Sardinia

Things to Do in Stintino: Guide Stintino Sardinia Stintino
City: Institutional Site Map of Stintino Stintino

View Larger Map

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How To Word What They Pay On Invitations

Esperanto Esperanto is celebrating international friendship

A new press release FEI
I receive and publish in the International Friendship Week.

will open Sunday, February 20 will open the week of 'International Friendship , event celebrated by more than 40 years after the international Esperanto community to remember the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof humanity of the Esperanto movement, namely the equality between men and nations and solidarity between peoples.

During the week there will be many meetings and conferences in Italy and worldwide, also coinciding with the International Mother Language Day , established by UNESCO and the celebrated February 21 of each year. A language, in fact, is not just a communication tool, but an essential element of identity and cultural heritage of a people and their protection and learning of languages \u200b\u200bis a decisive step toward mutual understanding and integration.

In 1968, impetus was started from Erik Carlen, vice president of the Universal Esperanto Association, who wrote :

"Turn on the
flame of friendship across borders. Its light means justice, brotherhood, peace individuals and peoples. And because this lamp can to light in the world with more light, we work to spread neutral international language Esperanto . Long live the service of noble culture of all humanity , which flourish and to send out light of friendship across borders. "

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bathroom Without Door

EU: The Monopoly of Languages \u200b\u200bBurns also

Press of FEI that I receive as public

European Union Patent, Italy seeks justice

The European Parliament has approved these days the use of enhanced cooperation for the creation of the EU patent in three languages \u200b\u200b( French, English and German ) . This decision will lead to a serious distortion of the rights Individual citizens and the principle of free competition enshrined in the European treaties.
Small and medium-sized Italian companies may well have to pay, having to having to provide documentation submitted in French or German or English, 28% more than its competitor Austrian, Irish and French . It is not only a problem because, paradoxically, Italian, other European countries (eg Spain) will be strongly svantaggianti while other non-EU countries (like the U.S. or Canada) receive a strong benefit .
In the past the European Union Court of Justice ruled in favor of Italy, stating that "it is discriminatory ' published only in German, English and French a competition to work in European institutions. Language rights are inextricably linked to political and civil rights of every citizen of the Union and for this' Italy to defend the same way their own language and multilingualism in the European Community. being pursued, for example, by adopting a neutral language such as Esperanto, which - as shown François Grin, a professor at the University of Geneva - would also allow a substantial saving of resources, calculated at 25 billion Euros per year.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Retrieve Confirmation Id Visa Appointment

Ricci, asparagus and sun in winter!

holidays in Sardinia are also made of new recipes and simple to find out the taste of Sardinia. Among the typical Sardinian the period from November to May is that the hedgehogs ...

From November 1, 2010 until May 2, 2011 is the time ... one of the hedgehogs seafood most delicious and unique Sardinia. In addition to their legendary aphrodisiac properties are an excellent source of protein with very low fat and contain phosphorus and iron. To enjoy them

Cagliari and Alghero are certainly the capital of the rich and Cutura urchins. At Alghero
d in early February until 31 March there is the festival of the sea urchin or Bogamarì. Barcelona are set on the waterfront banquet where guests can enjoy the curls with wine and bread or a good simple pasta.

Cagliari is possible to buy the curls ... especially on weekends, in virtually every street corner but especially on the waterfront Poetto.

to eat immediately accompanied with bread or a jar to take home and enjoy a tasty meal. Here is a recipe

0 km, easy preparation stolen from his friend Robert "The Galley " in Cagliari.

Pasta with asparagus and sea urchins.

Makes 4 servings :
  • 300/400 grams of asparagus 1 cup curly
  • ;
  • 350 g of spaghetti;
  • 1 clove 'garlic 3 tablespoons
  • ' extra virgin olive oil 'oil;
  • pepper to taste.

Cut 'last part of the edible stalk of asparagus. Let them boil

asparagus in a little water (about 1 cm) until evaporation of the same, all at low heat. Add the garlic

el 'oil. Drain the pasta and sauté 2 minutes with the asparagus.

Off the heat add the curls and mix.

Recommended wine: wine cellars Nuragus Pala, Serdiana.

Each ingredient in our recipes can buy online the finest Sardinian products: on

Sunday, February 13, 2011

How Much Money Do Lingual Braces Cost ?

€ SAI - International Friendship Week

Dalla segnalazione del Presidente FEI, Renato Corsetti , ricevo questo Comunicato, che traduco (come meglio posso) e pubblico.


Nur post kelkaj tagoj ni solenos Semajnon de Internacia Amikeco, eventon lau sia origino centrprocente esperantistan, kies ideo tamen neniam limighis nur al nia medio. Nunjare la Semajno pasos inter la 20-a kaj 26-a de februaro, pri kio eblas legi en la lasta numero de Esperanto. Gheneralaj informoj pri SIA trovighas en la pagho:

Uzu la trovighantan tie simbolon de la Semajno en la salutmesaghoj al esperantistaj kaj neesperantistaj amikoj, en blogoj, portaloj, retejoj.

Kompreneble festu la Semajnon en via klubo au grupo, invitante ekz. reprezentantojn de aliaj nacioj por tiel emfazi, ke amike interpremighantaj manoj superas limojn naciajn, rasajn, lingvajn, kulturajn, poltikajn kaj religiajn.

Ne forgesu, ke en la dauro de la Semajno, la 21-an de februaro pasos lauvica Tago de la Geaptra Lingvo. Preparante sin al tiu chi tago en la propra medio au vizitante iun eksteran aranghon ligitan kun la tago eblas che la adreso: konsulti kaj elpresi porokazan afishon, kiu trovighas cxe la adreso en pluraj lingvaj versioj.

Se vi havas pliajn ideojn por tiuj tagoj nepre dividu ilin por ke ni ankorau pli bone preparu nin al la baldauaj eventoj.

Amike, Barbara Pietrzak

Ghenerala Sekretario, estrarano pri informado"

Questa la traduzione (molto personale...mi si scusino gli errori!!)


Solamente tra alcuni giorni noi celebreremo la Settimana Internazionale dell'Amicizia, un evento il suo, originariamente al cento percento esperantista, uno spunto comunque mai circoscritto semplicemente al nostro habitat. Quest'anno la Settimana sarà compresa between 20 and 26 February, which you can read the latest issue of Esperanto. General information about the SIA tovano on page

Use the search symbol of the Week in the messages of greetings to the Esperanto and the anise not Esperanto, blogs, portals, network.

course celebrate the week with your club, or your group, exceptionally inviting representatives of other nations, as well to emphasize, entwined hands amicably breaking down national boundaries, racial, linguistic, cultural, political and religious.

not forget that during the week, il21 of February we will have alternating Day of languages. Thus preparing the visitor to this day, together with his own group, a few adjustments to both the externally-bound that day at:

viewed and printed posters for the occasion, you will find at this address in a version in several languages.

If you have more ideas for these days, definitely share them, because we prepare so we can make better preparations for the next events. All the best,

Barbara Pietrzak

Secretary General, responsible for the information

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Audrey Hepburn Themed Shower

Languages \u200b\u200band Culture "debuts in Argentina

Press Release FEI

The radio program " Languages \u200b\u200band Culture , created news agency Disvastigo ( and radio frequency radio from the University of Teramo, will be broadcast from Saturday, February 12, 2011 in Argentina. The program, in cooperation with "Italy Now" will be broadcast in Argentina by 12 hours (16 in Italy) on the frequencies of Radio Nacional in Argentina Viedma, the capital town of Patagonia and related always ll'immigrazione Italian. You can also follow live live Languages \u200b\u200band Culture "in " Italy Now " at:

Languages \u200b\u200band Culture "was born to tell, through telephone interviews, many minority language situation, with the problems of these communities, from prejudice to the difficulties to pass on these cultures to young people. Themes always current with which even the Italian communities abroad have had to compare. "Now Italy", born in February 2009 from an idea by Magali Pizarro, is an important point of reference in regard to the dissemination of Italian culture and information, from the life of the community and from abroad opportunities - competitions and calls - for the younger generation to current Italian.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How To Replace A Boat Voltage Regulator

Semajno de Internacia Amikeco - International Friendship Week

FEI press release I receive and public

Dear friends of groups,

February 20 will open the "International Friendship Week,"
event celebrated by more than 40 years after
international Esperanto community. In 1968, impetus was started by Erik Carlen,
Vice-President of the WEU and the event was then renewed every year,
opening to non-Esperanto.

A festival created to remind humanity
the values \u200b\u200bof tolerance and brotherhood that should apply throughout the year and
not run out as the good intentions Christmas. So please, do this week
also something external, if you can.

Many groups worldwide Esperanto have already indicated their
join the celebrations and we are waiting for communications about your participation
( ). Ni estas "unu granda patrol
family." Ni memorigu tion in the world. (Ed: We are a "big family and round." Rammentiamolo the world. )

for Italian Esperanto Federation

Massimo Ripani